
Registering a trademark is a means to protect the words, names, symbols, sounds and colors that distinguish your goods and services from those manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of those goods.  Registered trademarks require periodic certification of use and payment of fees, but they can be maintained indefinitely as long as they are being used in commerce.

At RM IP Law, we work with our clients to ensure they avoid using a trademark that is already owned by someone else or using one too similar to a trademark already in use.  Because someone can obtain trademarks through either federal or state registration, or by establishing common law rights, it is important to obtain a trademark search and clearance before you commit to spending money on your brand.  RM IP Law works strategically to ensure the trademark you want is available and is ready to pursue the right actions to protect your commercial goodwill.

  • Pre-Trademark Actions

    • Guidelines and Recommendations

    • Searches and Clearance Opinions

  • Trademark Applications

    • Filings

    • Prosecuting

    • Grant/Issue

    • Renewals and Certifications

  • Landscape and Competitor Analysis

    • Searches

    • Portfolio Analysis

  • Enforcement